Mehdi Ghatee, Associate Professor of Computer Science |
The list of my publication can be seen in
Some of the selected papers can be seen in the following:
Rouhollah Ahmadian Moghaddam, Mehdi Ghatee, Johan Wahlstr?M, "Discrete Wavelet Transform for Generative Adversarial Network to Identify Drivers Using Gyroscope and Accelerometer Sensors", IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-8, February 2022,
Neda Binesh, Mehdi Ghatee, "Distance-aware optimization model for influential nodes identification in social networks with independent cascade diffusion", INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 581, Num. 1, Page 88-105, September 2021,
Shiva Rahimipour, Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, Ahmad Nikabadi, "A hybrid of neuro-fuzzy inference system and hidden Markov Model for activity-based mobility modeling of cellphone users", COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 173, Num. 1, Page 79-94, May 2021,
Mohammad Mahdi Bejani, Mehdi Ghatee, "A systematic review on overfitting control in shallow and deep neural networks", ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW, Vol. 2021, Num. 0, Page 1-48, March 2021,
Mohammad Mahdi Bejani, Mehdi Ghatee, "Least auxiliary loss-functions with impact growth adaptation (Laliga) for convolutional neural networks", NEUROCOMPUTING, Vol. 2021, Num. 0, Page 1-15, February 2021,
Fateme Teimouri, Mehdi Ghatee, "A Real-Time Warning System for Rear-End Collision Based on Random Forest Classifier", Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering, Vol. 4, Num. 1, Page 49-71, October 2020,
Mehdi Ghatee, Masoomeh Khalili, Mehdi Teimouri, Mohammad Mahdi Bejani, "Roadside acoustic sensors to support vulnerable pedestrians via their smartphones", AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 1, Num. 2, Page 135-143, October 2020,
Mohsen Ghassemi Parsa, Hadi Zare, Mehdi Ghatee, "Unsupervised feature selection based on adaptive similarity learning and subspace clustering", ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Vol. 95, Num. 103855, Page 0-0, August 2020,
Marzi Heidari, Mehdi Ghatee, Ahmad Nikabadi, Arash Pourhasan Nezhad, "Diverse and Styled Image Captioning Using SVD-Based Mixture of Recurrent Experts", CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-11, July 2020,
Mohammad Mahdi Bejani, Mehdi Ghatee, "Theory of Adaptive SVD Regularization for Deep Neural Networks", NEURAL NETWORKS, Vol. 128, Num. 1, Page 33-46, May 2020,
Shadi Abpeikar, Mehdi Ghatee, Gian Luca Foresti, Christian Micheloni, "Adaptive Neural Tree Exploiting Expert Nodes to Classify High-Dimensional Data", NEURAL NETWORKS, Vol. 124, Num. 1, Page 20-38, April 2020,
Shadi Abpeikar, Mehdi Ghatee, "Neural trees with peer-to-peer and server-to-client knowledge transferring models for high-dimensional data classification", EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 137, Num. 1, Page 281-291, December 2019,
Shadi Abpeikar, Mehdi Ghatee, "A real-time decision support system for bridge management based on the rules generalized by CART decision tree and SMO algorithms", AUT Journal of Mathematics and Computing, Vol. 1, Num. 1, Page 95-100, December 2019,
Mohammad Mahdi Bejani, Mehdi Ghatee, "Convolutional Neural Network With Adaptive Regularization to Classify Driving Styles on Smartphones", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-10, July 2019,
Ali Pashaei, Mehdi Ghatee, Hedieh Sajedi, "Convolution neural network joint with mixture of extreme learning machines for feature extraction and classification of accident images", Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-16, February 2019,
Shadi Abpeikar, Mehdi Ghatee, "An ensemble of RBF neural networks in decision tree structure with knowledge transferring to accelerate multi-classification", NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-21, December 2018,
Shadi Abpeikar, Mehdi Ghatee, Hadi Zare, "Ensemble decision forest of RBF networks via hybrid feature clustering approach for high-dimensional data classification", COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, Vol. 131, Num. 0, Page 12-36, December 2018,
Hamidreza Eftekhari, Mehdi Ghatee, "A similarity-based neuro-fuzzy modeling for driving behavior recognition applying fusion of smartphone sensors", JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 0, Num. 0, Page 1-12, December 2018,
Hamidreza Eftekhari, Mehdi Ghatee, "Hybrid of discrete wavelet transform and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system for overall driving behavior recognition", TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART F-TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR, Vol. 58, Num. 1, Page 782-796, September 2018,
Shadi Abpeikar, Mehdi Ghatee, "Decent direction methods on the feasible region recognized by supervised learning metamodels to solve unstructured problems", Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, Vol. 39, Num. 6, Page 1245-1262, August 2018,
Roya Bastanizadeh, Mehdi Ghatee, Hamidreza Eftekhari, "Three-Phases Smartphone-Based Warning System to Protect Vulnerable Road Users Under Fuzzy Conditions", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 19, Num. 7, Page 2086-2098, July 2018,
Mina Javanmard, Ehsam Abdi, Mehdi Ghatee, Baris Majnounian, "Forest road planning using artificial neural network and GIS", , Vol. 10, Num. 2, Page 139-152, June 2018,
Mohammad Mahdi Bejani, Mehdi Ghatee, "A context aware system for driving style evaluation by an ensemble learning on smartphone sensors data", TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 89, Num. 0, Page 303-320, April 2018,
Fateme Golivand Darvishvand, Mehdi Ghatee, Hamidreza Eftekhari, "Using 3G and 4G/LTE for collision warning systems in vehicular network", , Vol. 72, Num. 1, Page 42-51, April 2018,
Ashkan Fakhri, Mehdi Ghatee, Antonios Fragkogios, Georgios K.D. Saharidis, "Benders decomposition with integer subproblem", EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 89, Num. 1, Page 20-30, December 2017,
Roya Bastanizadeh, Mehdi Ghatee, Hamidreza Eftekhari, "Smartphone based fuzzy vehicle to pedestrian collision warning system", , Vol. 17, Num. 71, Page 31-41, December 2017,
Hamidreza Eftekhari, Mehdi Ghatee, "The lower bound for dynamic parking prices to decrease congestion through CBD", Operational Research, Vol. 17, Num. 1, Page 761-787, October 2017,
Malihe Niksirat, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, "Branch-and-price algorithm for fuzzy integer programming problems with block angular structure", FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, Vol. 296, Num. 1, Page 70-96, August 2016,
Elham Abbasi Harofteh, Mohammad Ebrahim Shiri Ahmad Abady, Mehdi Ghatee, "A regularized root-quartic mixture of experts for complex classification problems", KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, Vol. 110, Num. 0, Page 98-109, July 2016,
Hamidreza Eftekhari, Mehdi Ghatee, "An inference engine for smartphones to preprocess data and detect stationary and transportation modes", TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. 69, Num. 1, Page 313-327, July 2016,
Ashkan Fakhri, Mehdi Ghatee, "Application of Benders decomposition method in solution of a fixed-charge multicommodity network design problem avoiding congestion", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 40, Num. 13, Page 6468-6476, June 2016,
Elham Abbasi Harofteh, Mohammad Ebrahim Shiri Ahmad Abady, Mehdi Ghatee, "Root-quatric mixture of experts for complex classification problems", EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 53, Num. 0, Page 192-203, June 2016,
Ashkan Fakhri, Mehdi Ghatee, "Minimizing the sum of a linear and a linear fractional function applying conic quadratic representation: continuous and discrete problems", OPTIMIZATION, Vol. 65, Num. 5, Page 1023-1038, March 2016,
Reza Asadi, Mehdi Ghatee, "A Rule-Based Decision Support System in Intelligent Hazmat Transportation System", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 16, Num. 5, Page 2756-2764, October 2015,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Multi-perspective Decision Support System for Hierarchical Bus Transportation Network Design : Tehran Case Study", International Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 2, Num. 2, Page 107-118, September 2014,
Shadi Abpeikar, Mehdi Ghatee, "Supervised and unsupervised learning DSS for incident management in intelligent tunnel: A case study in Tehran Niayesh tunnel", TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 42, Num. 3, Page 293-306, May 2014,
Mehdi Ghatee, "Solution of the Generalized Interval Linear Programming Problems: Pessimistic and Optimistic Approaches", Journal of Computing and Security, Vol. 1, Num. 2, Page 159-167, April 2014,
Ashkan Fakhri, Mehdi Ghatee, "Fractional multi-commodity flow problem: Duality and optimality conditions", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 38, Num. 7, Page 2151-2162, March 2014,
Somayeh Soudmand Kouseh, Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "SA-IP method for congestion pricing based on level of service in urban network under fuzzy conditions", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, Vol. 11, Num. 4, Page 282-292, December 2013,
Ashkan Fakhri, Mehdi Ghatee, "Solution of preemptive multi-objective network design problems applying Benders decomposition method", ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, Vol. 210, Num. 1, Page 295-307, October 2013,
Elham Abbasi Harofteh, Mehdi Ghatee, Mohammad Ebrahim Shiri Ahmad Abady, "FRAN and RBF-PSO as two components of a hyper framework to recognize protein folds", COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, Vol. 43, Num. 9, Page 1182-1191, July 2013,
Mehdi Ghatee, Malihe Niksirat, "A Hopfield neural network applied to the fuzzy maximum cut problem under credibility measure", INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 229, Num. 1, Page 77-93, February 2013,
M.S. Beyranvand, M. Reza Peyghami, Mehdi Ghatee, "On the quadratic model for unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with restrictive common due date", OPTIMIZATION LETTERS, Vol. 6, Num. 8, Page 1897-1911, November 2012,
Shiva Rahimipour, Malihe Niksirat, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, "Application of fuzzy neural networks to predict the speed of the highway network", , Vol. 49, Num. 2, Page 15-20, July 2012,
Malliheh Nicsirat, Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Multimodal K-shortest viable path problem in Tehran public transportation network and its solution applying ant colony and simulated annealing algorithms", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 36, Num. 11, Page 5709-5726, July 2012,
Maryam Fadaei Naeini, Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "New Modelling for Traffic Counters Location Problem in order to Maximize Path Coverage: Tehran Highways Pilot", , Vol. 48, Num. 1, Page 19-23, June 2012,
Mehdi Ghatee, "QoS-based cooperative algorithm for integral multi-commodity flow problem", COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 34, Num. 7, Page 835-846, April 2011,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Optimal network design and storage management in petroleum distribution network under uncertainty", ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Vol. 22, Num. 4, Page 796-807, May 2010,
Mehdi Ghatee, Ali Mohades Khorasani, "Motion planning in order to optimize the length and clearance applying a Hopfield neural network", EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 36, Num. 3, Page 4688-4695, April 2010,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Application of fuzzy minimum cost flow problems to network design under uncertainty", FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, Vol. 160, Num. 22, Page 3263-3289, March 2010,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Traffic assignment model with fuzzy level of travel demand: An efficient algorithm based on quasi-Logit formulas", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Vol. 194, Num. 2, Page 432-451, January 2010,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Some concepts of the fuzzy multicommodity flow problem and their application in fuzzy network design", MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, Vol. 49, Num. 5, Page 1030-1043, December 2009,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, Masoud Zarepisheh, Esmaile Khorram, "Preemptive priority-based algorithms for fuzzy minimal cost flow problem: An application in hazardous materials transportation", COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 57, Num. 1, Page 341-354, December 2009,
Mehdi Dehghan, Mehdi Ghatee, Behnam Hashemi, "Inverse of a fuzzy matrix of fuzzy numbers", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER MATHEMATICS, Vol. 86, Num. 8, Page 1433-1452, August 2009,
Mehdi Dehghan, Mehdi Ghatee, Behnam Hashemi, "SOME COMPUTATIONS ON FUZZY MATRICES: AN APPLICATION IN FUZZY ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS", International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 16, Num. 5, Page 715-733, July 2009,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, Mehdi Dehghan, "The solution and duality of imprecise network problems", COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, Vol. 55, Num. 12, Page 2267-2290, April 2009,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Generalized minimal cost flow problem in fuzzy nature: An application in bus network planning problem", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 32, Num. 12, Page 2490-2508, January 2009,
Mehdi Ghatee, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, "Ranking function-based solutions of fully fuzzified minimal cost flow problem", INFORMATION SCIENCES, Vol. 177, Num. 20, Page 4271-4294, December 2008,
Mehdi Dehghan, Behnam Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, "Solution of the fully fuzzy linear systems using iterative techniques", CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, Vol. 34, Num. 2, Page 316-336, October 2007,
Ebrahim Nasrabadi, S.Mehdi Tashakkori Hashemi, Mehdi Ghatee, "AN LP-BASED APPROACH TO OUTLIERS DETECTION IN FUZZY REGRESSION ANALYSIS", International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 15, Num. 4, Page 441-456, June 2007,
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